Professional Clinical Hypnotherapy services and counselling services constitute services to address specific issues as advised by the client or client's guardian. The client or gardian will agree to any treatment strategy prior to the conduct of each session. No guarantee regarding outcomes or results is stipulated at any times. Fee for service constitutes payment for service provision only.
Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric services or counselling. The Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist/Counsellor does not treat, prescribe for or diagnose any condition.
The client agrees to not alter, amend, change or restrict any currently prescribed medications until I have discussed this with the prescribing physician or another Medical Practitioner.
The client must be aware and understand that in some cases it may be necessary for the practitioner to respectfully touch the shoulder(s), hand, wrist, or forehead in order to assist in relaxation or focus. The client gives the practitioner permission and consent to do so in order to help establish a beneficial state of hypnosis. The client understands that, in the event that the practitioner needs to touch, he/she will be warned prior to any physical contact.
The client is free to terminate any or all sessions at any time and agrees to participate in each session to the best of their ability.
The client agrees to accurately provide background information as requested by the hypnotist/hypnotherapist.
Confidentiality between the hypnotherapist/counsellor and client will be maintained and honoured.
Cancellation: 24 Hours notice is required for cancellation or booking amendment without penalty. Failure to provide 24 hours notice will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Failure to provide 12 hours notice of cancellation or booking amendment will incur a 100% cancellation fee.
If the booking for hypnotherapy services is a ‘3 Session Paid-Up-Front’ discount booking, client will be required to provide at least 24 hours notice of any amendment/cancellation for any of these bookings and that failure to do so will void entitlement to that appointment. Also, client must be aware that the duration of these bookings cannot exceed six (6) months from the time of the first appointment.
CANCELLATIONS: 24 Hours notice is required cancellation of booking amendment without penalty. Failure to provide 24 hours notice from the a 50% cancellation fee. Failure to provide 12 hours notice of cancellation or booking amendment will incur a 100% cancellation fee.
Except for specific circumstances as allowed under law, the client indemnifies Mind Elevation and Mind Elevation staff and accepts treatment result and follow-up responsibility.